Maturing and Multiplying

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Next Week's Theme:

Jesus suffered unjusty.


Equipping Hour

Our Spring semester has ended and so we are on a 3-week hiatus (July 7-21), which means there aren’t any Equipping Classes or Children’s Ministry during our Equipping Hour (9:30-10:15am). The summer semester of our Equipping Classes will begin on July 28. However, parents, please note that the youth are still meeting to study God’s Word. Therefore, feel free to drop them off and enjoy a coffee together!

Youth (7th-12th Grade)

Students from 7th-12th grade can join us as we hang out, chat and continue our series on the Word of God.

Morning Service

Join us as we worship God through song, prayer, and hearing His word.

Sermon: Fool’s Talk
Scripture: Job 4-37
Preacher: Mike Jones
OT Reading: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
NT Reading: 1 Peter 2:19-25

Evening Prayer Service

we meet for evening service on the 2nd & 4th sundays of the month.

Join us as we sing, pray for the advance of the gospel, and hear from God’s word from the book of Ephesians. Youth and children’s classes meet as well.

We encourage you to use the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month to pursue fellowship & hospitality outside the church walls.

Upcoming Evening Service Schedule:

  • July 14 - Ephesians 4:17-24

  • July 28 - Ephesians 4:25-32

  • August 11 - Ephesians 5:1-2

  • August 25 - Ephesians 5:3-21

Upcoming Sermons

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Never Before in Israel (Matthew 9:18-34)
August 4, 2019
Preacher: Mike McKinley

Pray for Laborers (Matthew 9:35-38)
August 11 2019
Preacher: Mike McKinley

Sent Out (Matthew 10)
August 18, 2019
Preacher: Mike McKinley

Are You The One? (Matthew 11:1-19)
August 25, 2019
Preacher: Mike McKinley


Fool’s Talk (Job 4-37)
July 14, 2019
Preacher: Mike Jones

The Way of Wisdom (Job 28)
July 21, 2019
Preacher: Mike Jones

Out of the Whirlwind (Job 38-42)
June 28, 2019
Preacher: Mike Jones



About Us

We are a community of believers in Christ who have proclaimed our faith through baptism and have covenanted together to live out our Christian lives as a local church in Sterling, Virginia.

While we do many things as a church, our understanding of God’s overarching purpose of redemption leads us to be focused on two main things

  1. Maturing in Christ (Growing as Christians)

  2. Multiplying (Reaching more people with the good news of salvation in Jesus)

Lord willing, everything we do as a church will serve one of these gospel purposes. 

Sterling Park Baptist Church

501 N York Rd
Sterling, VA, 20164