The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Jesus (Matthew 13:44-46) (Evening Service) Evening Service, New Testament, SermonDavid NicotraOctober 29, 2017Matthew
The Walking Dead Made Alive (Ephesians 2:1-10) (Evening Service) Evening Service, New Testament, SermonDavid NicotraOctober 22, 2017Ephesians
Nailed to the Cross (Colossians 2:6-15) (Part 4) Colossians Series 2017, Main Service, New Testament, SermonDavid NicotraOctober 22, 2017Colossians
The Son of Man Must Suffer (Mark 8:27-9:1) (Evening Service) Evening Service, Sermon, New TestamentDavid NicotraOctober 15, 2017Mark
Suffering For the Mystery of God (Colossians 1:24-2:5) (Part 3) Main Service, New Testament, Sermon, Colossians Series 2017David NicotraOctober 15, 2017Colossians
The Preeminent One (Colossians 1:15-23) (Part 2) Main Service, New Testament, Sermon, Colossians Series 2017David NicotraOctober 8, 2017Colossians
The Hope Laid Up For You (Colossians 1:1-14) (Part 1) Main Service, New Testament, Sermon, Colossians Series 2017David NicotraOctober 1, 2017Colossians
Tensions in Evangelism (Colossians 4:2-6) (Part 3) Evangelism 2017, Main Service, New Testament, SermonDavid NicotraSeptember 17, 2017Colossians
Confessing Sin, Finding Mercy (Psalm 106) (Evening Service) Evening Service, Old Testament, SermonDavid NicotraSeptember 17, 2017Psalms
How the Church Spreads the Gospel (Ephesians 4:11-16) (Part 2) Evangelism 2017, Main Service, New Testament, SermonDavid NicotraSeptember 10, 2017Ephesians
Church Life: Why We Pray Together (Evening Service) Evening Service, Sermon, Church Life 2017David NicotraSeptember 3, 2017
The God Who Saves (John 3:16) (Part 1) Main Service, Sermon, Evangelism 2017David NicotraSeptember 3, 2017
Where Will You Run? (Psalm 57) (Evening Service) Evening Service, Old Testament, SermonDavid NicotraAugust 27, 2017Psalms
The Love of the Trinity in the Life of the Church (John 17:20-26) Evening Service, SermonDavid NicotraAugust 20, 2017John
The Trinity: Love in Community (Matthew 17:1-8) Main Service, SermonDavid NicotraAugust 20, 2017Matthew
Dry Bones Made Alive (Ezekiel 37:1-14) (Evening Service) Evening Service, Old Testament, SermonDavid NicotraAugust 13, 2017Ezekiel
Out of the Jaws of Death (Daniel 6) (Part 6) Daniel Series 2017, Main Service, Old Testament, SermonDavid NicotraAugust 13, 2017Daniel