Poor For Us (II Cor 8-9) (Part 12) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterApril 2, 2023Mike McKinley
Godly Grief (II Cor 7:5-16) (Part 11) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterMarch 26, 2023Mike McKinley
Holiness in the Fear of God (II Cor 6:11 - 7:4) (Part 10) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterMarch 12, 2023Mike McKinley
Sin For Us (II Cor 5:11 - 6:10) (Part 9) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterMarch 5, 2023Mike McKinley
The Judgement Seat of Christ (II Cor 5:1-10) (Part 8) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterFebruary 26, 2023Mike McKinley
Kept From Stumbling (Jude 17-25) (Part 2) Main Service, Jude Series 2023SPBC WebmasterFebruary 19, 2023Mike Jones
Contend For the Faith (Jude 1-16) (Part 1) Main Service, Jude Series 2023SPBC WebmasterFebruary 12, 2023Mike Jones
Treasures in Clay Jars (II Cor 4:7-18) (Part 7) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterFebruary 5, 2023Mike McKinley
The Gospel of the Glory of Christ (II Cor 4:1-6) (Part 6) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterJanuary 29, 2023Mike McKinley
A Letter From Christ (II Cor 2:17 - 3:18) (Part 5) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterJanuary 22, 2023Mike McKinley
The Aroma of Christ (II Cor 2:12-17) (Part 4) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterJanuary 15, 2023Mike McKinley
Christmas and the Best Doctor Ever (Matthew 9:9-13) Main ServiceSPBC WebmasterDecember 25, 2022Mike McKinley
Love and Forgiveness (II Cor 2:5-11) (Part 3) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterDecember 18, 2022Mike McKinley
Yes in Christ (II Corinthians 1:12 - 2:4) (Part 2) Main Service, II Corinthians Series2022SPBC WebmasterDecember 11, 2022Mike McKinley
The Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8) (Part 4) Main Service, Parables Series 2022SPBC WebmasterNovember 27, 2022Seth Wachtel
The Lost Son(s), pt. 2 (Luke 15:25-32) (Part 3) Main Service, Parables Series 2022SPBC WebmasterNovember 21, 2022Seth Wachtel